Our Introduction To Sailing courses for children/youth are based on Yachting New Zealand's 'Start Sailing' curriculum and are run by a YNZ-qualified coach assisted by experienced dinghy sailors, and are suitable for 9 to 13 year-olds who are water-confident and don't mind getting wet!  The participants will generally sail single-handed Optimist dinghies, however we do have two-handed RS Feva sailboats that can be utilised for larger/taller sailors.  Participants will need a wetsuit and footwear that can get wet as a minimum - the club can supply a buoyancy aid. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding wetsuits, or sailing gear generally.

It is a requirement that participants can swim (any stroke) 50 metres whilst wearing a buoyancy aid - this will be tested.  They should also be aware that small centreboard sailboats are designed to capsize (tip over), that capsizing is all part of dinghy sailing and that they will be expected to capsize, recover and get back into their boat (we'll show them how of course!).  This video gives a good indication of what is required - it’s from Puerto Rico and it’s fairly old but it’s basically exactly what we do!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8kgHuwPFas Skip to  1 minute in to see the capsize bit!

Courses run irrespective of the weather - whilst we try and maximise time on the water the weather is of course out of our control and participants should be aware that some of the course will be shore/classroom based.  

The course fee of $300 covers the course (12 hours minimum) and some ongoing use of the club learn-to-sail boats for regular Saturday sailing post-course.  The course is just an introduction; it is hoped that (assuming they enjoy it!) they are able to come along to regular Saturday sessions after completion of the course.

If you have a larger/older teenager that would like to get involved in sailing (eg 14 or older) TRIYA also operates out of Evans Bay (based here at the club) and caters to secondary-aged students from learn-to-sail level through to teams racing.  Info at www.triya.co.nz.  Should TRIYA not be suitable (eg the potential participant is only available at the weekends) we may alternatively be able to cater for them through the club - please enquire.

Any questions please feel free to contact me any time, via youthsailing@ebymbc.org.nz


Next Course starts Saturday 15 February 2025

Our next Junior & Youth Introduction to Sailing Course runs for 4 Saturdays including:
15 February; 22 February; 1 March; 15 March; 29 March (Reserve Day)

Register your place now by completing the form below