What is the Adventure Cruising Group?

A new group for those interested in getting out on the water, cruising to, and exploring places around Wellington Harbour.

Who is this for?

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or new to yachting, this group will provide invaluable insights, hands-on experience, and skills to ensure your on-water cruising is safe, enjoyable, and memorable.

How will it work?

To begin with we will be starting with a WhatsApp Group, where members can show interest, ask questions and join discussions around different cruising topics.

The group will also be able to organise on-water raft-ups (meet ups) or simply organise to cruise to a location together, because activities are always more fun when you have someone to share the experience with.

This may then progress into organised on-shore "classroom" sessions where members can share knowledge or guest speakers may even become involved.

Why should I join?

This is a chance to get involved with a group of like-minded individuals where you can share a passion for boating, learn lessons from experienced boaties and even share your own experience.

Where do I sign up?

Right here, right now!  Either follow this link (or the QR Code below) and you can join the WhatsApp group and conversation immediately.